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Monday, September 30, 2013

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

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Is Mindless Eating Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Tips on Becoming More Mindful

Are you sabotaging your weight loss with mindless eating? There seem to be so many opportunities to eat or overeat during the day and this makes mindless eating a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss efforts. If you find yourself unconsciously popping food in your mouth during the day then I highly encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read this article and discover just how easy it is to move away from mindless eating and become a mindful eater.

Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

The real secret to becoming a mindful eater is learning to bring your focus into what you are eating and when you do this the benefits are enormous, you not only slow down when you eat but you naturally eat less because you appreciate the foods more and you make better eating decisions because you notice the taste of foods more.

1. Bring your focus to your food by pulling in all of your senses when you eat. Look at your food, smell it, listen for a crunch, feel it in your mouth and taste it.

2. Write it down. Don't let yourself "forget" what you ate. Write everything you eat and drink down in a journal. You don't need this to be fancy, just a small tablet will work.

3. Divide your plate at meal times. To know that you are eating the right foods in the right portion sizes divide your plate. To do this draw an imaginary line through your plate and fill the top with vegetables and then divide the bottom half and put a portion of protein on the one side the same size and thickness as the palm of your hand and on the other side put a carbohydrate portion the size of your cupped hand - this gives you the perfect meal.

You can stop sabotaging your weight loss by becoming a more mindful eater and these tips will help you get there.

For More Related Topics Blog: Help Lose Weight Fast

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Acai Berry Secrets - All You Need to Know About Acai Berry Weight Loss

For thousands of years the Red Indians have regularly eaten a small purple colored fruit called Acai Berry. This small fruit is loaded with wonderful antioxidants and dietary fiber. This is an amazing fruit that grows on Acai palm trees only in the Amazon forests. The power of antioxidants and its wonderful effects on the human body has now become known to the entire world.

The human body is continuously attacked by free radicals all the time due to which cell damage occurs and the aging process sets in. Antioxidants in these fruit extracts could take on the free radicals and could keep you young and active for long. The vitamins in the fruit extract would help you have a glowing skin.

The most important function of the antioxidants that has been discovered by medical research is that it accelerates the metabolic rate in the human body. This naturally leads to more accumulated fat being burnt down every day. The dietary fiber in Acai berry would not make a person hungry for a long time and so the metabolic rate would be maintained at an enhanced level.

When you combine a simple and regular exercise program with a regular intake of Acai berry extracts you would loose weight surprisingly fast. You would feel rejuvenated and a decade younger after you use the Acai berry extracts for a month. Instead of rapid weight loss programs which leave you look totally weak and feeble, it is always best to go for natural weight loss methods which have been tried and tested by our ancestors

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Long Term Weight Loss - Insider Secrets on How to Lose Weight Safely Over the Long Term

Here are some long term weight loss secrets on how to lose weight safely. I won't insult you by telling you to drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and exercise more. You know that stuff. I'm going to share with you things YOU DON'T KNOW!

Long Term Weight Loss

1. How to lose weight safely... spin in a circle

I bet you never heard that. Spinning around... like what kids do... helps adults to lose weight. This is fast becoming a popular weight loss exercise because of how quickly the results come and how quick it is to do... 15 seconds.

I'm going to give you the main points from my spinning for weight loss ebook.

The main thing is to find a sweet spot in the amount of spins you do so that you get just SLIGHTLY dizzy. You don't want to spin so little that you don't feel anything and you definitely don't want to spin so much that you get really dizzy and nauseous.

With a few practice sets, you'll find the right number of spins for you.

The secondary thing to remember is to ALWAYS spin clockwise. Pretend you're standing on a clock with hands and spin the way the hands move.

Got those 2 key points? Good, stop right now and try a set of spins.

Oh, I almost forgot. You probably want a reason why this works for weight loss. Well, to put it in simple terms... spinning causes your Endocrine System to harmonize and balance the hormones that it controls. With balanced hormones, your body is in an advantageous position to lose a lot of weight really fast for you.

2. Eat 1 can of black beans or 3 apples everyday

This is a simple, yet powerful diet tip because of the fiber in both these foods. If you're overweight, I truly doubt you're getting enough diet to sweep out your body of all the garbage it's accumulated over the years.

This added fiber will give your body a FIGHTING CHANCE to clean your body out from the inside so that the outside will have a chance to show the results.

Hey, it's a boring tip. But get past that and just do it. It works!

So if you want to lose weight safely, start using these 2 long term weight loss techniques immediately.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

3 Ways to Get More Energy Through Weight Loss

Having more energy would help you do more, have more fun and increase your overall health. Weight loss can give you that extra energy. In fact, there are several ways that you can start making changes to improve your health and to lose weight that will increase the amount of energy you have. For those who wish they could accomplish more in a day, or those who want to feel more capable of physical activity, there is perhaps no better route to take than to lose weight.

How you lose the weight matters. Here are three things you can do that will help you boost your energy level through weight loss.

· Exercise: it may seem like the impossible feet, but the fact is, once you exercise (slowly and first and working up to your goals) you will have more energy. Your muscles are getting the oxygen they need. They are stretching and growing with each movement. In a short amount of time, you'll see that you have more energy even though you are putting forth much more. Of course you'll also lose weight.

· Eat Right: it is just as sensible to eat a well balanced diet. Not only does your body need the nutrients from the food to accomplish the tasks you are demanding from it, but eating the right food also gives you much more fuel than eating poor quality foods. Best of all, you'll lose weight through the food choices you make.

· Cleansing: removing the toxins and pests in your body that are actually sucking your energy out is an essential step in gaining more energy. You may not even realize that you have this problem, but most people do. By cleansing the body, you'll feel amazing and have more energy and less weight.

Each of these methods will help you boost your level of energy completely. It takes only a few times of getting a good workout to see the differences.

For More Related Topics Blog: Day By Day Weight Loss Plan

Friday, September 27, 2013

Eating Eggs For Weight Loss? Can it Really Work?

A recent study was conducted at the Rochester Center For Obesity, in America. It had some very interesting conclusions to make about the relation of consuming eggs for breakfast and weight loss. Turns out, its a very good idea to have eggs for breakfast, both from the health & weight loss perspective.

In the study that was conducted, 2 groups of overweight women were taken. One group was provided with a egg based breakfast (2 eggs). The other group was provided with a bagel based breakfast. Care was taken, to insure that both the breakfasts had the same amount of calories and protein levels.

Now, what was observed was very interesting. The women on the egg-based breakfast remained fuller and ate lighter meals through-out the day. They did not only have a lighter lunch. They stayed fuller, throughout the day!

When the eating habits of the 2 groups were studied, even more fantastic results were found. The women on the egg-based breakfast, stayed fuller and on-an-average & consumed 417 calories LESS PER DAY than the women on the bagel based breakfast.

If you do regular cardio work-outs, I am sure you are aware that it takes a considerable amount of effort to burn off 417 calories. If making a small change, like eating eggs for breakfast can have such a great effect, then why not make the change?

In fact, the study concluded that one could lose upto 2lb a month, if they did nothing other than switch to eating eggs for breakfast.

You might wonder what the calorie content of eggs are? And is it a good idea to eat eggs all the time?

Well, eggs have a whole bunch of essential nutrients including proteins, zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E & B12. However, they are only approximately 85 calories per egg. So, there is no real worry about eating too many eggs and picking up too many calories in an egg-based breakfast!

Even if you don't consider the weight loss aspects of an egg-based breakfast, you can be 100% sure that its great for health.

Anti Anxiety Medication Weight Loss

You will find lots of anxiety medications available for people who suffer from anxiety. Most of these medications are effective but should not be considered as a complete solution to all anxiety concerns. Medications can give temporary relief but do not cure the anxiety. These drugs are being given whenever a patient experiences undue worry, anxiety and stress during a period of time and needs assistance.

Anti-anxiety medication can give relief towards the different signs of anxiety but can't cure the disorder. These drugs have side effects and can be considered a health concern, especially since they can lead to a risk of addiction. A person that has been advised to consider medication needs to discuss with their physician on what the best treatment plan is. This plan should then be followed.

As with most prescribed medications, side effects can be derived from using medication. The side effects that are from these drugs depend upon the kind of medication and dosage prescribed. Research has shown that once there is a high dosage, the side effects can be more serious. Despite this, there are several patients that have felt groggy, sleepy or uncoordinated due to a low dose of benzodiazepines. These low doses can also cause issues with day to day activities in school or work.

One of the most common side effects is anti anxiety medication weight loss. These come from using drugs such as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Benzodiazepines and Beta Blockers, Tricyclic Antidepressants and Monoamine. These drugs are able to induce weight loss by suppressing one's appetite. They also have other components that produce other side effects such as nausea, weakness, drowsiness, putting on weight, and constipation.

For those experiencing unwanted anti anxiety medication weight loss, the simple solution is to change one's diet. This will help stabilize the weight being lost due to the medication. The healthy way to handle anti anxiety medication weight loss is by consuming more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. In other words, a more balanced diet is the simple solution. But in cases where weight loss continues, revisiting a physician is the best way to handle the patient's weight.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Immediate Weight Loss (For Real)

Everyone wants to immediate weight loss with the least amount of effort possible. It seems that it is just human nature to get more done for less. This can lead us into a lot of problems especially when it comes to weight loss. Usually the fastest ways to lose weight are the least healthy.

Here are a couple tips to lose weight immediately AND in a healthy manner.

Immediate Weight Loss

1. Beat the Hunger.

Most of us overeat. It is as simple as that. There are tons of issues that may cause us to overeat such as stress, to something as simple as just being really hungry.

It does not matter WHY you are overeating, just that you need to STOP!

The worst thing you can do is simply try and resist the urge to eat until you are fully satisfied. Depriving yourself is not the answer for quick weight loss.

You need to buffer your meals by having an apple or salad right before your meal. Soup is another great buffer. What this does is fill you up a bit so you don't overeat once you get to the main course. Therefore, you will not consume massive amounts of empty calories.

2. Become an Early Riser.

Waking up early gives your metabolism an extremely strong boost for the day. As you should already know, a faster metabolism is a good thing!

So how early do you need to get up?

I love telling people this in person so I can see the expression on their face...

The best time to wake up in the morning is 5AM. I am not going to lie, it sucks for the first couple of days. I was not a pleasant person to deal with when I first started to wake up this early!

The good news is that you get used to it, and your metabolism (and energy levels) will benefit greatly.

If you implement these techniques, you will notice some very fast results. Now, you actually need to APPLY them!

Exercise Diet Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered if any fat loss diets work? Well you'll be pleased to hear it can be done and with relative ease, and before you get worried what I'm about to tell you about isn't an exercise program that only super humans can achieve.

It is achieved by following a plan known as calorie shifting, which at the moment is causing sensations. The reason it is so hot is mainly down to it's claim you can shed 9 pounds every 11 days and continuously do so. If I am honest I didn't really take much notice of this as I've seen many similar claims in the past, which made the stories of success I found on dieting discussion boards even more surprising.

The calorie shifting method works by fooling you body, making it believe you are not on a diet.Calorie shifting stops your body from recognizing your eating routine which in turn would result in it slowing down your fat burning system. The method it uses to do this is by rotating the foods you eat and the calories they contain on a continuous basis.

A exercise program can also increase your metabolism but because many looking to lose weight aren't used to exercise the risk of injury is enormous.If you don't like the idea of exercise then calorie shifting is the perfect diet for you. Simply stick to the 4 meal plan and drink the recommended water each day and you will soon see results.

Exercise done in a sensible way can bring an extra benefit to the calorie shifting diet but isn't something you have to do. Anyone that wants to lose weight but doesn't have the time to alter their lifestyles then calorie shifting is the best way to achieve you weight loss aims using fat loss diets.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Diet For Weight Loss - 2 Miracle Fluids You Must Not Avoid!

Are you trying to diet for weight loss? Are you frustrated with all the ways you have tried and they never work? The truth is your output of calories should be bigger than your intake of calories. A simple exercise program with a healthy diet will help you to shed off the harmful fat. Choosing the right food to eat will certainly boost the amount fats burn in your body so that you can get to your ideal weight quicker. One of the vital foods in your diet for weight loss list should include clean drinking water.

Clean Drinking Water

Water has the ability to cleanse your body and speed up metabolism up to 30% more! It will help the body to flush out toxins when you drink enough of it. Excessive salt will be removed out of your body so that water retention will decrease and also stop the hardening of the walls in the blood vessels.

For people who are on a diet for weight loss, water has the power to fools the human brain and become appetite suppressant when you take enough of it daily. You will be feeling full all the time and not hungry for food. In this way, you will burn more calories than you consume thus resulting in the burning of more fat!

Green Tea

Freshly brewed green tea should be included in a diet for weight loss as it is an excellent cleanser that contains no calories. Drinking enough of green tea will also helps to fool the human brain thinking the stomach is full thus eliminate the need for food all the time.

In addition, green tea has the power to eradicate the free radicals in your body and helping you to avoid harmful diseases and improve your skin complexion. Unlike green tea, most of the beverages found in the market today are loaded with unhealthy stuff like calories, sodium and fats which are harmful for people who are trying to diet for weight loss.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is used in household for almost everything: from cutlery cleaning to salad dressings. Its main ingredient is acetic acid; it also contains vitamins and minerals. A number of scientific studies confirmed the benefits of apple cider vinegar for some health conditions such as normalizing the blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol level. It can also help with diabetes since it lowers the blood glucose level.

Using ACV for weight loss is not something new: it was used for this purpose for thousands of years. A research showed that a small amount of vinegar added to food can help you feel fuller compared with eating the same amount of food without the vinegar.

For weight loss purposes it is recommended to drink a glass of water with 1-2 tablespoons of ACV before meals 2-3 times a day. You can also add it to salads.

Some risks associated with the ACV consumption:

ACV contains acetic acid that can damage your digestive tract. Take it only diluted in high quantities of juice or water as described above. From my personal experience I do not recommend it in a supplement form because supplements can damage the stomach lining.

It can interact with drugs that you take for heart disease or diabetes. If you are on any medication, ask your doctor before consuming ACV three times a day.

The prolonged regular use can also cause other complications. It can interact, for example with potassium levels in the body.

The key is not to treat it as a weight loss miracle product and use it in moderation. Consume ACV 2-3 days a week along with other weight loss techniques for maximum results.

Crazy But Effective Weight Loss Techniques

Are you ready to lose weight and get that sexy body you have been wanting for so long? Believe it or not, you do not need to go on any of those fad diets. You simply need to follow a solid diet and do some exercise! Here are some crazy techniques which will help you get started on your weight loss journey with a bang!

Crazy But Effective Weight Loss Techniques


If you want to kick your metabolism into hyper drive, then this is an awesome way to do it! The only problem is that it is not the most pleasant!

When you are about to finish your shower, turn the water to ice cold and rinse your entire body under it for about 45-60 seconds. What this does is get your body burning loads of calories to create a burst of body heat to counteract the coldness.

Eat Loads of Apples!

Apples are probably my favorite fruit. Why?

Well, they taste pretty darn awesome! But even more important, they have tons of fibre in them. You see fibre allows you to have a clean and efficient digestive tract. When you do not have enough fibre, your entire digestive system actually slows down which makes fat storage occur much more often.

Fibre also gives you that "full" feeling without eating too much of it. So this will stop you from craving other foods with a high carbohydrate content!


If you have not heard of burpees, they are a fast paced exercise that can be done without any weights - yet they give you a full body work out while burning TONS of calories. You will look a little silly doing them, but luckily you can do them at home!