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Monday, November 4, 2013

Foods That Speed Up Metabolism For Long Term Weight Loss That is Safe and Effortless!

Here are some foods that speed up metabolism. This is the easy way to long term weight loss. It's safe and effortless without being some huge headache for you that involves going to the gym a lot and taking forever in the kitchen to cook up healthy meals.

I'll also give you a 15-second weight loss exercise at the end of this article as an added bonus that works great with these foods to lose a ton of weight quickly.

Foods That Speed Up Metabolism

Most of the foods on this list are "negative calorie" foods and foods that are high in water content.

Apples - High in water content... the added water helps speed up your metabolism just like drinking extra water. This is my top snack so I put it separately.

Cherries, watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, blueberries, cranberries, honeydew, mango, oranges, peaches, pinapples, garlic, green beans, onions, and lettuce... all high in water content and all negative calorie foods which help your metabolism.

If you stick with eating a lot more of these foods and less of other foods, you can't help but to lose weight because of your metabolism speeding up.

The perfect way to incorporate these foods is to use them as snacks first and then start eating them with your meals second.

Now... the added bonus tip. The 15-second miracle weight loss exercise is spinning around like how children do it. This also helps to speed up the metabolism, but it mostly works for weight loss in that it helps to harmonize your hormones and bring them in line with your weight loss.

Spinning combined with these foods that speed up metabolism will pretty much force your body to lose the extra pounds and inches that you want to disappear.

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